The Rolling Emporium

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"If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must begin by moving stones today."

Dear Reader,

This is today's stone: welcome to the blog. My name is Sarah Joy, and I am here to share my journey to full time RVing as a young, single* woman. I'll be sharing travels, triumphs, losses, and some of the life-altering experiences I've had on the road. 

A bit of background info:

I have been a mobile-living enthusiast for many years. I have owned two cargo vans that I converted to campervans with varying degrees of success (oh, I wish I had taken photos of the prolific failures I achieved with that first one!), and I even owned a tiny Suzuki SX4 whose rear seats I removed to make room for a platform and bed. 

My interests are legion. A few things I enjoy: painting, drawing, woodworking, hiking, kayaking, and camping. I recently started a shop to sell some of my designs (Society6: Hazel Knoll) and this month, I'll be opening up a digital print shop on Etsy. I'm doing these things to express my creativity as well as become less reliant on my job for my income. Being self-reliant is critical to having success as a fulltime RVer; especially with someone as young as I am.

Thank you for your patience while I establish my "voice" on this blog. I hope you find something entertaining or useful here. In addition to the blog, I would like to eventually set up an email newsletter and flesh out my YouTube channel to compliment the site (and vice-versa), but for now, it's words and photos. 


Sarah Joy

*as of this write-up